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This Ministry provides a listening ear, a comforting touch, a loving presence, and God's words of hope to persons whose life circumstances have become difficult.  The person bringing this compassionate care is called a Stephen Minister.


Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of training.  They meet twice a month after the 50 hours of training for continuing education and supervision.

This is what Stephen Ministers do ...

  • They will listen to you without judgment or criticism.

  • They will allow you to talk about your loss freely and often.

  • They will keep you and the discussions confidential.

  • They will bring God's words of hope to you.

  • They are compassionate, full of faith, skilled and trustworthy.

  • They provide care for people with different kinds of needs:

    • Those in crisis, such as, hospitalization, terminal illness, divorce, death of loved one, unemployment, a natural disaster, fire, retirement, stress of moving, being a victim and many more.

    • Those needing follow up care in recovering from a major life crisis.

    • A person needing chronic care which is a long term problem, as, disabled, aged, in nursing home, homebound, chronic pain, living with degenerative disease.

    • Preventive care helps people anticipate and prepare for potentially difficult upcoming events, such as, first child, approaching retirement, marriage, college, military, and etc..

    • Supportive care such as caring for the caregiver. A man caring for his dying wife, a woman considering placing her elderly parents in a long term care facility, parent of a special needs child, support through a death or funeral, support during a divorce and many more


If your life circumstances have become difficult and you are in need of a compassionate listener or if you are interested in using your compassionate gifts in caring for others, please call Redeemer Lutheran Church.


Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; The Lord delivers him in times of trouble. Psalm 41:1


For more information on Stephen Ministries see

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