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Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Englewood, Florida
Redeemer Lutheran Church
01-01-16 "It Is Necessary"
01-03-16 "To Grow in Christ is to Grow in Wisdoms"
01-10-16 "Hopeful Surprise Made Obvious"
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01-17-16 "Divine Glory … Revealed!"
01-24-16 "We are All from Various Places, Yet United in One Body"
01-31-16 "Miracles Never Cease to Amaze"
02-07-16 "Eighth Day Transfiguration"
02-10-16 "Jesus: The Needed Treasure"
02-14-16 "Rev. Dr. Robert H. Bennett – Executive Director of Luther Academy"
02-17-16 "The Sower"
02-21-16 "The Preacher Who Died for Us"
02-24-16 "The Treasure and Pearl"
03-02-16 "The Lost Sheep"
03-06-16 "He Receives and Eats with Sinners"
03-09-16 "The Unforgiving Servant"
03-13-16 "We are Not Renters, but Heirs"
03-24-16 "The Parable of the Wedding Feast"
03-25-16 "Sinners Take Hold of Jesus"
03-27-16 "Not Just Life, Resurrection Life"
04-03-16 "The Reality that Believing Is Seeing"
04-17-16 "The Good Shepherd Has Good Handss"
04-10-16 "Junk Food Is Not Part of the Diet"
04-24-16 "You Are Not Common, You Are Clean"
05-01-16 "Battles Overcome"
05-08-16 "The Man on a Mission"
05-15-16 "Many Languages – One Message"
05-22-16 "-- Pastor Steinke--"
05-29-16 "Found Faith Is Founded on the Foundation of Jesus Christ"
06-05-16 "Through Tragedy, God Reveals His Glory"
06-12-16 "Forgiven Much or Forgiven Little Matters Not … You Are Forgiven"
06-19-16 "How Much Jesus Has Done for You!"
06-26-16 "Walk in the Spirit, Walk with Jesus"
07-03-16 "Focused on Our First and Final Hope"
07-10-16 "Perfect Compassion for a Half-Dead Beaten Sinner"
07-24-16 "God’s Portrait of the Shepherd and His Sheep"
07-31-16 "The Law of “Fillerupery"
08-14-16 "Christ Jesus Divides in Order to Unite"
08-21-16 "The Unshakeable Narrow Door"
08-28-16 "Humbled and Exalted by the Cross"
09-11-16 "Bringing Joy to God"
09-18-16 "Skimming Off the Top"
10-02-16 "The Enabler of the Impossible"
10-16-16 "Focused Faith Produces Persistent Prayer"
10-23-16 "Condemned with Guilt, Lifted Up by Grace"
10-30-16 "Freed in the Fortress"
11-06-16 "Rejoice and Be Glad"
11-13-16 "Standing Before God"
11-24-16 "Giving Thanks to the Giver and for the Gift"
11-27-16 "The King Who Saves"
11-30-16 "Mount Eden"
12-04-16 "What's So Thrilling"
12-07-16 "Paradise of the Church"
12-11-16 "Unprepared for What’s Expected"
12-14-16 "The Highway of Holiness"
12-18-16 "He Shall Be Called …"
12-21-16 "The Sign of Salvation"
12-24-16 "Christmas without the Story"
12-25-16 "Christ’s Gift for All"
12-31-16 "Knock, Knock …"
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